Most people think that apprenticeship is beneficial only for student. But, in reality, it is also beneficial for the business owner. If you have a small business, you can conduct an apprenticeship program and make profits in a better way.
You will be hiring apprentice and offering training. This way, you can save money. As they are not much experienced, you have to provide training for them. The apprentice would not demand a high salary as an experienced person. You can easily get the job performed the way you actually wanted. They would do as per your commands. If you feel their work impressive, you can hire the apprentice as full-time employees after the training period. It is important to assess their work on a regular basis or until they get experienced with the job.
Apprenticeship program structure
Time-based programs: It means the apprentice would finish the work in a particular number of hours.
Competency-based programs: The apprentice can work at their own convenience with applying a particular skill. There will not be any time limits.
Hybrid approach: It is the combination of the competency-based program and time-based program. The apprentice should meet skill requirements and number of working hours. It is also important to consider hands-on portions and classroom learning module for the apprenticeship.

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